New, Delhi, Correspondent, Manushi, the subject of the wing at the International Book Fair in New Delhi attracts many book lovers. And displays wing writings on women in various genres such as poetry, novels, children's literature, etc. provide posters overview of the writers in various Indian languages, which made significant contributions in the field of literature, including Dr. Pratibha Ray, Mahasweta Devi, A night view, Mridula Garg, Kanakalata Barua, Ashapoorna Devi. Wing theme is still the center of literary activities. In the morning session with the author and reading session organized by Punjabi Academy (Delhi), which Ms. Chandan Negi, Punjabi famous author sharing her journey as a writer with a book lovers. And Mrs. Kaur Sukhwinder recited his poems in Punjabi. Later, a meeting was organized by poets Rewant, a magazine published in Lucknow. At this meeting, Nirupama Sinha, Anita Maheshwari, Saroj Singh, MD. Nirmala Singh, MD. Anita Singh, Sandhya Singh, Manoj Shukla p...