Lifestyle - Grapes Protects
Grapes Protects Against Alzheimer's Disease
New Delhi : Can eating grapes every day may help to protect the brain from deterioration premature associated with Alzheimer's disease, show the results of a pilot study of people with early memory loss.
Alzheimer's is a brain disease that leads to a slight decline in memory and cognitive skills.
"The study of grapes effect of whole fruit compared to the isolated compounds and the results indicate that regular consumption of grapes can provide a protective effect against the deterioration in the early associated with Alzheimer's time," said lead researcher Daniel Silverman, a study from the University of California, Los Angeles, United States of America.
"This pilot study contributes to the growing evidence supporting the beneficial role of neural grapes and cardiovascular disease, but clinical studies are needed with larger groups of patients to make sure that the observed effects here," said Silverman.
Low metabolic activity in these areas in the brain is characteristic of Alzheimer's disease at an early stage attributes.
In addition, they have shown those who ate a diet rich in grapes also increase metabolism in other brain regions associated with that individual improvements in care and working memory performance, compared with those who are not in the diet -raisin.
In this study, participants were selected with the weakness of the nearest memory randomly assigned to receive each grape powder - the equivalent of more than two cups of grapes a day - or a placebo powder without matching polyphenol taste and appearance.
The cognitive performance measurement in the foundation and after six months. Changes in brain metabolism, as measured by brain scans, are also measured in the base and after six months.
The results showed that the metabolic activity of consumption in healthy grapes and preserved in the brain regions that are affected in the early stages of Alzheimer's disease, in terms of reduced metabolism happens.
Participants who did not eat grapes significant reduction in metabolism in these sensitive areas showed.
Grape polyphenols help to enhance the antioxidant and anti-inflammatory.
Previous research has shown that grapes may help the brain support health by working in multiple ways - to reduce oxidative stress in the brain to stimulate healthy blood flow in the brain to help maintain the levels of a chemical the main brain that enhances memory for the exercise of anti-inflammatory effects.
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